- May 16-19, 2011. Probabilistic Analysis of Volcanic Hazards: Current methodologies and Vision for Future Efforts. Workshop at the University of Buffalo.
- November 2010: Class of computational models aimed at monitoring and modelling volcanic ash dispersion, aerosols and lahars. Lessons on use of Fall3D and Titan2D.
Managua (Nicaragua), “Primer taller de la red iberoamericana para el monitoreo y modelizacion de cenizas y aerosoles volcanicos y uso de Titan2D”. - International School of Volcanology, September 2008, held in Stromboli (Aeolian Islands, Italy). Title of the School: “Volcanic processes in basaltic volcanic islands: learning from monitoring and research activities of the recent eruptive crises of Stromboli”.
- One-week stage at LSCE laboratories at Gif sur Yvette (France) on November 2006. Topic: Laboratory analyses on distal tephra layers.
- One-week stage at University of Orsay (Paris XI), on September 2006. Topic: Laboratory analyses on distal tephra layers.
- Summer School on Volcanology and Tephro-Stratigraphy, on September 2006, held in Lipari (Aeolian Islands, Italy). Title of the School: “La vulcanologia e dintorni: interscambi tecnici e scientifici tra vulcanologia e altre discipline”.
- Two weeks stage, held in cooperation between the Physikalish Vulkanologisches Labor of Würzburg University, for the final implementation and testing of a large scale experimental facility for the generation of pyroclastic flows. The results were the generation and measurement of experimental flows analogue to natural scenarios. September 2005.
- “Geophysical and Environmental Fluid-dynamic Summer School” at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge (UK). September 2005.
- Summer School on Volcanology, June 2005, held in Bolsena (Viterbo, Italy). Title of the School: “Caldere e depositi asscoiati”.
- “Melt, glasses and magmas” short course, organized by Prof. Donald B. Dingwell at the Earth and Environmental Sciences Department, University of Munich. June 2004.